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GulfCare Health Insurance

Gulf Care Rebrand


GulfCare is a partnership between two of the largest players in the regional and international insurance market, Qatar Insurance Company and Mercer Marsh Benefits. GulfCare was created specifically to meet the unique health insurance needs of the region. We collaborated with both companies for the Gulfcare rebrand.


The goal was to build a cohesive brand that would capture the product’s premium offering and stand out from competitors in the region. Through our immersive brand development process, we decided to create a brand that would truly highlight the product’s USP’s such as regional expertise, customer-centricity and innovation. 


We worked collaboratively with both teams at every step to conceive a thoughtful new brand that truly captured the GulfCare product. We aimed to strike the right balance between the professionalism and approachability to create a brand that fit within the parameters of the health insurance industry but pushed the boundaries in terms of creative look and feel. 


We developed the brand identity including logo, tagline, vision and values, brought to life using clean, modern design with regional accents in order to support the client’s goal of enhancing market share and regional footprint in the insurance industry.



Client: Gulfcare

Project: Gulfcare Rebrand

Services: Branding, Design